Is Spray Tanning Safe?
The answer to this question varies and depends on several factors. Let’s detail concerns for clients and spray tan artists alike.
Let’s first talk about the act of spray tanning. Spray tanning aerosolizes tanning solutions into the air that are inhaled by the artist and the client. This creates a large concern for the inherent safety of both individuals. Our first concern would be around whether the ingredients that are being aerosolized are creating toxic fumes. Another concern would be if the ingredients being sprayed are damaging to the body during inhalation. Many spray tan solutions contain ingredients that are not deemed safe for aerosolization.
Another topic of concern when it comes to the aerosolization of solutions is dyes. Different solutions contain different kinds of dyes also known as bronzers. Some contain food-based bronzers, while others contain FD&C bronzers. We have to remember that these are not just being applied topically, but they are being aerosolized. Therefore when an artist, or company markets themselves as safer because of using food-based bronzers, it may be a marketing scam. Just because something comes from food does not mean it belongs in the air or lungs.
And of course, the main concern is about ingredients being topically applied onto the skin. This is something that you as a consumer will have to check on for your safety. The only way to know if what the artist is using is safe for your skin is to ask to see the ingredients in the products they are using. Look out for fragrances, chemical preservatives, parabens, phthalates, FD&C dyes, polysorbates, and silicones. There is more to watch out for, but this is a good place to start. I recommend getting an app that allows you to scan the ingredients list and will rate the safety of ingredients.
The FDA has specific guidelines for spray tanning. Those guidelines state that as artists we should protect our clients by requiring undergarments, lip balm to make sure DHA does not develop on lips, and nose filters to limit inhalation. We follow those standards for every client.
At Unfiltered Glow we use the cleanest and safest spray tan solution available on the US market right now. We are confident to share the ingredients in our products with our clients. And we do not hesitate to continue to stay up to date with industry leaders regarding safety around spray tanning.